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  1. Ten great Christmas presents for gardeners (plus one for luck)

    Ten great Christmas presents for gardeners (plus one for luck)

    It’s so easy to choose Christmas presents for gardeners. Here are ten ideas which might suit a gardener you know. Plus a bonus idea for luck! Under £15 1. Seeds and/or a tin to keep them in Herb seeds (chives and parsley are good choices) will always be welcomed by people who love cooking. If […]

  2. Rattan furniture is ideal in small business cafés and restaurants

    Small Business Saturday UK is on 3rd December 2016. Furniture for cafés and restaurants needn’t be a headache for hard-working owners as rattan furniture is an easy and ideal solution. Café culture is part of society now The chances are that you know about a new café or a new deli. It may be near […]

  3. A best garden buy to make a difference in the New Year

    November offers chances to catch up in the garden, bag a bargain and look forward to a great garden in the new year. The soil in my flower beds and garden pots is still workable and, while the weather isn’t great, it is possible to be outdoors and do good work. My aim for late […]

  4. Time to make Christmas cake - the festive season is almost upon us

    Time to make Christmas cake - the festive season is almost upon us

    It must be a dried fruit thing, that those who loathe Christmas cake also struggle to come to terms with Christmas pudding and sweet mincemeat. Tradition determined that fruit cake be a thing of Christmas as historically this was the time when although fresh ingredients were scarce, the boat was well and truly pushed out […]

  5. A low maintenance garden for all seasons

    Low Maintenance Garden For a good looking, low maintenance garden, I recommend thinking big, thinking simple and making it your own. And for a garden of any kind, be clear about what you want to use it for, make the space for that and include things that make you feel good. What is it about […]

  6. Looking after your garden furniture and BBQ in winter

    Looking after your garden furniture and BBQ in winter

    The clocks have gone back and the leaves are coming off the trees. Like it or not, we’re doing less and less sitting out in the garden. Garden furniture and BBQs are an investment and we want them to be in good condition next year. What’s the best way of looking after them until spring […]

  7. Wildlife Competition Poll [Ended]

    The Poll has now ended. Thank you to everyone who participated! The winner was Laura Blackburn, who took a stunning picture of a muntjac eating birdseed. Congratulations Laura!! Winner Ok, so we have now moved onto the Poll for the wildlife competition. Out of the below selection, please vote for your favourite picture. As of the […]

  8. How to have a great outdoor space (easy and doable)

    How to have a great outdoor space (easy and doable)

    You’ve got little or no gardening knowledge and you want a great outdoor space? That’s OK. Just read on. You don’t need to know lots about gardening or have green fingers to create a welcoming and usable outdoor space. Whatever space you’ve got, here are a few easy and doable tips. And we’re talking about […]

  9. Love your garden by clearing up and using garden compost

    Love your garden by clearing up and using garden compost

    Clear up and use your garden compost to sort out your plants and improve the soil ready for next year. It will make your garden look and feel loved for the winter too. We have given you tips for autumn tidy ups in our previous blogs, and now we are gearing up for winter. Q: […]

  10. How is rattan garden furniture made?

    How is rattan garden furniture made?

      Rattan garden furniture has a strong aluminium frame. Around this, strong and flexible synthetic rattan is easily woven into elegant furniture. Rattan garden furniture’s aluminium frame Rattan garden furniture has a strong frame of aluminium, an excellent metal for this purpose. Aluminium (known as aluminium across the Atlantic) is: strong lightweight resistant to corrosion […]

  11. Layering tulips and other bulbs in pots

    Layering tulips and other bulbs in pots

    Tulips, daffodils and irises are the bulbs I’m going to plant in layers in a container, to produce wave after wave after wave of flowers in the spring. I’ve waited until November to give the tulips a fair chance of avoiding disease, which should be killed off now by colder temperatures and frost. Tulips and […]

  12. A clean and comfortable chill out zone can reduce work stress

    A clean and comfortable chill out zone can reduce work stress

    A chill out zone is a good place to take a break from technology for 10 or 15 minutes. Relax away from your desk on comfortable furniture, think of nothing in particular or practise some breathing exercises. You’ll feel so much better. It’s just been Cranky Co-Workers’ Day in the States. For what it’s worth, […]

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