Outdoor and Conservatory Furniture Blog
Take cuttings and be part of the spring/summer surge
Benefit from the impetus of the ‘May flush’ The ‘May flush’ is that wonderful swelling of energy when everywhere begins to burst enthusiastically with fresh new growth. Over these past few weeks I’ve been travelling regularly across North Wales and North West England, a complete and utter delight as the hedgerows, verges and front gardens […]
Fill gaps in your garden
The risk of frost is over (in south west England) so annual bedding plants are out along my garden path and in the border I can see from the kitchen. Young Cosmos and Verbena bonarensis will grow fast. But there are gaps. Some will soon be filled with growth from last year’s new or divided […]
Plant for fruit from your garden
Plant for fruit from your garden – rhubarb! Not a fruit, but we eat it as a fruit, rhubarb is celebrated in Wakefield, the centre of England’s ‘Rhubarb Triangle’, in a February Rhubarb Festival. Plant now for fruit from your garden and grow tender stems for crumbles and pies. Rhubarb is easy to grow and […]
Why water garden plants and pots?
Why water garden plants and pots? Plants are 90% water. They may need your help to get what they need, that is why we water garden plants and pots and why you need to know what’s what in watering. Plants need water to carry food from roots to shoots, to ‘breathe’ out from their leaves, […]
Create a garden indoors with houseplants
Create a garden indoors Houseplants offer colours, shapes and sizes to suit every room and mood. With a little care many live for years. Most appreciate some TLC as summer, and new growth, begins. Houseplants rely on the soil in their pot for food – and over time it is used up so you need […]
Do You Care About your Garden Security?
IPads, smart TVs and hi-tech kitchenware are just some of the items that could catch the eye of thieves and criminals, so we take extra care to ensure that our home is locked up tight overnight to protect ourselves and our valuable from harm. It’s a different matter once you go beyond the front door […]
Five ways to keep the peace with your next-door neighbours
Most of us have had a falling out with next door at some point. Maybe it was over a broken fence, or an annoying pet? Whatever the cause of your neighbour dispute, it’s time to make peace. Two wrongs never make a right, and unless one of you decides to put the house up for […]
Entertain outdoors for St.George's Day
The 23rd April marks St.George’s Day; the patron saint of England, our green and pleasant land. Back in the days when life much harder than most of us can ever imagine, such celebratory days were known as feast days. Not a term we use much nowadays, but the sentiment remains the same; food is at […]
It’s Time to Fire Up the BBQ – but how Much are we Spending?
Summer is just around the corner, and although the Great British weather is as unpredictable as ever, us Brits just love firing up the barbecue. We all know that succulent sausages, mouth-watering steaks and crunchy corn-on-the-cobs are all part of a good old British alfresco session, but did you know that the average barbecue only […]
Spruce up your Garden this Spring
It’s only a matter of moments before spring really gets underway. In fact, it is already well advanced in some areas of the country. If you haven’t managed it already, a little work on garden care now – mending, sharpening, cleaning – will really pay dividends as growth gets underway. Have a general tidy up […]
Everything you need to know about protecting your garden from frost
Along with bugs and weeds, frost can often be a garden’s worst nightmare. If you want your flowers and plants to make it through the cold season, it’s vital that you take the right steps to protect your garden. We’ve compiled a list of ten things to keep in mind when fighting the good fight […]
Ways of enjoying your garden all year round, not just in the summer!
There’s a common myth that garden parties and are just a summer thing. Granted, you may have a little trouble lighting a barbecue in the middle of winter but needless to say, the garden can be enjoyed throughout the year. Check out our guide for a few tips and ideas on making the most of […]